
10kW On-Grid system with Mono Perc half Cut 540/550W Panel (DCR Approved)

Original price was: ₹650,000.00.Current price is: ₹600,000.00.

No. of panel:- 18
Inverter:- 10kw
Structure:-Standard size (Front leg 2ft, back leg 5ft)
Earthing- 3
Lightning Arrester:- 1
Net meter:- 2
BOS (billing of system):- 1

Introducing the 10kW On-Grid System is capable of using heavy loads with efficient utilization of resources. This system is designed for where power cut issues are minimum. This kit includes all the components you need to set up a reliable solar power generation system ( SPGS) of your own. This system is able to manage your daily usage of electricity and run a heavy load equipment like (Air Conditioner’s). The performance of the Mono Perc half cut panel is very efficient in low light and the best power generation panel. The inverters are able to fully utilize solar energy and help in the smooth operation of the electrical appliances. Net meters calculate the total import and export of the electricity. Structures are installed by the professional engineers to give the best support to the panel for long life. The ACDB, DCDB, Lightning arrester and earthing are providing protection to the solar system.