17.6kW Solar System in Jalaun-Uttar Pradesh

In the middle of India, where farming and old-style industries are common, shifting to eco-friendly energy is a big step toward a cleaner future. A fantastic example of this change is the new 17.6kW solar system in Jalaun-Uttar Pradesh. It’s at the Anand Mohan Flour Mill, and Anya Green Energy set it up. This system includes 32 special 550-watt solar panels and a strong 20HP drive.

This Solar System at Anand Mohan flourmill are runs two 18 inches flour mill or two expellers are together. It’s proof that renewable energy, like solar power, can make a big difference. Now, let’s talk about why this 17.6kW solar system in Jalaun-Uttar Pradesh is so important, especially how it’s saved 800 trees.

Simple Saving Solution for Flourmill

17.6kW solar system in Jalaun-Uttar Pradesh

Jalaun is a place in Uttar Pradesh known for farming and factories. But, they used to use dirty and costly things like diesel to power these places. Now, they’ve switched to using sunlight to make power, which is cleaner and cheaper.

Anya Green Energy is the company behind this smart change. They’re experts at making clean energy solutions and really care about the environment. The 17.6kW solar system in Jalaun-Uttar Pradesh shows how dedicated they are.

Solar Panels: The Heroes

The 32 special 550-watt solar panels are like the heroes of this setup. They’re great at catching sunlight and turning it into electricity. Plus, they are tough and can last a long time in a place like Jalaun.

Powering Two Flour Mills and Expellers

One of the coolest things about this solar system is that it can run two flour mills or two expellers at the same time. This means they can make more stuff without spending lots of money on fuel like they used to with diesel.

Replacing Diesel: A Step Towards Clean Air

Before this solar system, the Anand Mohan Flour Mill used diesel, which made the air dirty. Now, they’re using solar power, which doesn’t make the air dirty. This change is good for the people living there because they get to breathe cleaner air.

Saving 800 Trees: A Green Milestone

The best part is that this solar system has saved 800 trees. How? Well, when we use solar power, we don’t need to use as much power from things like coal or gas, which harm the environment. So, we can keep trees standing, which is good for the Earth.

Economic Benefits

Besides helping the environment, this solar system is also good for money. It saves a lot on electricity bills, which means more profit for the mill. Plus, the solar panels don’t need much fixing, so they save even more money in the long run.

A Beacon of Hope

The 17.6kW solar system in Jalaun-Uttar Pradesh is not just about making electricity; it’s a sign of better things to come.The 17.6kW solar system is capable to reduce the carbon emission. As our planet gets hotter because of things like pollution, using clean energy like solar power is a smart move. It shows that we can change for the better.


In short, the 17.6kW solar system in Jalaun-Uttar Pradesh, set up at the Anand Mohan Flour Mill by Anya Green Energy, is a big deal. It’s making clean electricity using the sun’s power. This system is making the mill work better, saving money, and most importantly, saving 800 trees. It’s proof that we can make the world cleaner, starting right here in Jalaun. This solar system is like a light guiding the way towards a cleaner and greener future.